Do you own a business or run an organization that needs a strategic and consistent digital marketing campaign? Perhaps you’ve been haphazardly doing it yourself, throwing it at an intern, or having different team members pick up the slack as they have time.
If you’re currently managing your digital marketing, do you consistently:
If you can’t confidently say yes to all of the above, you should consider the difference an experienced DC digital marketing firm can make to your campaigns.
No matter which platforms you’re using, make sure you’re creating a consistent tone and content that is authentic to each platform. Be true to who you are: you may admire edgy accounts, but if your content isn’t funny, or your audience isn’t primed to accept it, it won’t work and could even do brand damage.
Don’t try to make your brand something it isn’t.
Creating new, fresh, relevant content can be hard, especially when it’s just one of the many things you have on your to-do list. When it comes to content, consistency isn’t only key, it’s vital. Keep your branding, posting, and voice consistent across your organization and the different channels you may be using.
You’ve worked hard to make sure your content is consistent and on-brand, but is it interesting? Do you keep it fresh and ensure it offers value to your followers? Are you changing it up depending on the platform you’re using?
Understanding who your followers are and what they’re looking for by engaging with you will help your account stay relevant to your audience.
Whether you need a new website or are interested in a full digital retainer, we can help.